• 27 April 2023
  • Events

Celebration of the 8th anniversary of the company. How far has Prime gone?



Fedor Solomatin says

“According to statistics, more than 90% of businesses fail and go into oblivion in the first 2 years of their life. On March 6, 2015, I founded Prime with the idea of being an honest company with high ethical principles.

At that time, I had financial capital in my "pocket" for 6 months of life, with my not the lowest level of consumption. My main capital was in determination, the ability to endure and give all the best at 100% and lead people along. The company did not develop as I imagined, there was a period when I owed many of my friends, and thanks to you friends for believing in me, lending their 10, 20 thousand dollars, in particular Sheriff, Max and mine, at that time, not yet a wife, but already a fighting friend Yulia. At the most critical moment, I even had to take the unprecedented step of borrowing from my most important client, putting almost everything on the line.

I remember that happy moment when, after several good deals, I was walking at 6 in the morning along the garden, towards Coffeemania on Sadovo-Kudrinskaya, hovering a little above the ground, not only because I was drunk, but also because I finally paid off all my debts , now I'm free.

You know, for people who are productive and aspiring, there is a cool definition of happiness. Happiness is overcoming perceived obstacles on the way to a known and desired goal. So, we remember such moments right up to the smell that surrounded us and carry them through our lives.

Then a new stage began, a stage of growth. I liked the phrase that I heard at some training that a business is something that you can sell, and if you can only generate cash flow, which completely depends on your activity, even if you make good money, it's just handicraft. I thought, yes, a good embodiment in the words of the ideas that were in my head. After all, if you think about it, these are completely different approaches to doing business, you do business for the sake of momentary profit, or you want to build an empire.

Now Prime is an international real estate business, we have offices in Zhukov, City and Dubai. In the portfolio of the young development direction, there is one completed object and three are under implementation. By the way, I am proud that the company has implemented a program and it is gaining momentum, where employees of one business can participate on favorable terms in another. So, investors in Prime Development are several employees of a real estate agency, and this summer we will be selling our property. It's great to be a part of something big.

We went through different periods, wild growth and slowdown in statistics, there were periods of euphoria and confusion, but dry numbers say that business assets are growing, and our main asset is people, values and spirit.

We build a business based on respect and ambitious goals, growth and expansion, ethical principles and common sense. I am sure that even greater things are ahead of us, success and happiness, expressed in the constant complication of tasks.”