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Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 2
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 3
ID 50597


  • House ready in 2020
  • Бизнес-class
  • Bumazhnyy Proezd D. 4
  • Savyelovskaya 10 minutes
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 4
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 5
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 6
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 7
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 8
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 9
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 10
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 11

About residential complex

So far, you can still have time to buy an apartment in the Apart complex SOHO+Noho, which was commissioned at the end of 2020. Sales end, a wide range of options offered (354 apartments from 26 to 244kV.m.) Allows you to find the perfect sentence for a variety of requests. Two 20-storey towers are united by an underground part, in which there are a parking for 193 cars and premises for pantries, and a stylobate that contains the internal infrastructure of the complex, organized according to the type...

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Details of the complex


  • Deadline
    in 2020
  • Class
  • House type
    Residential Complex
  • Developer
  • Floors
  • Buildings
  • Total lots count

Comfortable location

Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 17 Palace of Culture Ruth
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 18 Novoslobodsky Park
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 19 Depo
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 20 Magical Castle International School
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 21 School No. 1501
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 22 Prestigious Romanov school
Appartment complex SOHO+NOHO Photo 23 White Square


Two towers, designed by New York skyscrapers, received their names in honor of two regions of Manhattan. Starting from the 15th floor, they narrow the ledges to the top, allowing you to place penthouses with terraces. The author of the concept of the project is the International Architectural Bureau Metex. The residential complex SOHO+Noho is located within the third ring, in the North -West, in the running area, on paper driveway, d.2/1, p. 4. Before traveling to TTK no more than 1 km, to the garden ring of approx. 3 km., It is easy to go to Leningradsky Prospekt.
